“I feared my Shadow But It was nice to see my self in fear.”
This body of work is an archive of projects that come together in their relation to the hauntology of remembrance, of past/present and childhood/adulthood—-a return to the ghost. The curiosities within include dolls, collectibles, childhood entertainment, children’s drawings as well as books and printed material. Influenced by the subculture of cult-classic toy collectors, this display is a material assemblage of the adult’s experience of all that haunts from youth.
July 2022 - rietveldacademie.nl/en/page/13068/kiki-gordon
Video collage of scenes and characters from international television shows and movies made for kids. These specific clips were submitted by adults because they were found to be too frightening as a child.
The title of this work is derived from “Rose, where did you get that red? Teaching great poetry to children” by Kenneth Koch, 1973. “Fear” by Vilma Mejias, 6th grade.